Conditions Treated


Learn to manage and overcome anxiety with our therapy techniques and support.

Trauma and PTSD:

Healing from past traumas and post-traumatic stress disorder with expert guidance.


Discover strategies to overcome depression and regain emotional well-being.

Bipolar Disorder:

Effective therapy for individuals dealing with bipolar disorder and mood swings.


Break free from codependent patterns and build healthier relationships.

Coping Skills:

Develop essential coping skills to manage life’s challenges and stressors.

Emotional Disturbance:

Find support and tools to address emotional disturbances and regain stability.

Mood Disorders:

Managing various mood disorders through personalized therapeutic methods.


Enhance your parenting skills and navigate family challenges with guidance.

Relationship Issues:

Strengthen relationships, resolve conflicts, and build healthier connections.

Self Esteem:

Boost self-esteem and self-worth with our confidence-building therapy.


Learn stress management techniques to lead a calmer and more balanced life.

Treatment Modalities

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

Discover how CBT can help you identify and change negative thought patterns, manage emotions, and improve your mental well-being. Effective for anxiety, depression, and various mood disorders.


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT):

Explore the principles of DBT, which emphasize emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance.

Attachment Theory & Schema Therapy Techniques:

Learn about attachment theory and schema therapy, which delve into the roots of emotional and relational issues.
Address ingrained emotional patterns and attachment styles affecting relationships and well-being. Explore early life experiences and relationships to assist clients in cultivating healthier attachment styles and cognitive schemas.


Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing is the gold-standard in treating trauma. During traumatic events, memories can get “stuck” in the amygdala-hippocampal part of the brain. EMDR therapy involves reprocessing or integrating these “stuck” memories appropriately, so the trauma stays in the past where it belongs. As appropriate, I will augment EMDR with Ego State and Schema Therapy exercises to support the reprocessing.