Ecommerce and Retail

E-commerce & Retail

If your business is a retail business and you would like sell your products online then IT PYRAMID has a unique solution for your centered around your unique business and product line-up. We will design, develop and launch a user and mobile friendly e-commerce website complete with account login and checkout for your regular customers and guest checkout for the occasional customer. Complete with proper account linking so all sales are directly deposited to the account of your choice and 100% secure. We will setup categorized searches as well as unique individual product pages with images as well as product descriptions.

Our e-commerce website as very easy to maintain and update through customized content management system which also helps you keep an eye out for your inventory. We can setup custom alerts which inform you of a potential customer each step of the way of the buying process as well as informing you after each purchase is made. With our e-commerce solutions you are always in control of every step of your customer’s purchase experience giving you room for improvements whenever you choose.

Business to Consumer Engagement

Understanding how your target market behaves can be difficult with so many places to look and so much information to comprehend. It is vital for your business to be in the all the right places making your business accessible to your consumers anywhere online.

Multi-Channel Challenge

Online retailers or e-tailers need to maximize their inventory so that the consumer has a large variety of choice and at the same time ensure that they make it easy for them to be found which means making sure that you are available across multiple selling channels as well a focused areas.

The Big Players

Bigger brand names are always a big challenge but they can also be a key source of trends. An industry giant like Amazon can be a good source of providing vital market trend information due to the intense volume of website traffic. The real challenge is applying that information to actually compete with such online giants.

The Generation-Y Shopper

Generation Y shoppers are the kind of consumers that are digitally sound and rely heavily on smart device and apps as a substitute for conventional activities like shopping, booking tickets, ordering food and other such activities that often required having to go to brick & mortar store. To capture this demographic an online retailer must provide the highest level of quality standards and total convenience.

Our Recent Clients

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Please call us at (267) 313-5353 or email us at