Education & Learning

If you are an academic institution then IT PYRAMID can help setup your E-Learning website complete with online video tutorials or live streaming of classes. Keeping up with modern on the go trends the courses and classes can be easily accessible anywhere from any device giving your customers mobility and ease of access to the courses or classes of their choosing with a classroom like environment.

We will work closely with you to develop an E-Learning website that appeals to your scholars and staff making it easy for the faculty members to access and conduct classes online. IT PYRAMID makes E-Learning simple and fun all the while making it secure and discreet.

The New Norms

With technology becoming a bigger part of our lives faster than ever before there are still things we prefer to do hands on such as learning. Going from an orthodox classroom environment to an online virtual e-learning one can be a big challenge for any student but with the latest in E-learning techniques confidence can be built and new social norms can be established.

Technological Stability

Another huge task for any e-learning institute is the maintenance of their IT infrastructure. Most often technical flaws in e-learning applications or software cause a rift of disturbance in student’s ability to focus and maintain the discipline needed to complete a course.

Student – Teacher Engagement

In a classroom environment the instructor has the opportunity to explore his or her pupil’s full potential and discuss open ended questions clearing any misunderstanding or lack of understanding the pupil might have. E-learning has yet to develop a replacement for the advantage of hands-on student-teacher interaction.

Group Isolation

Even though there might be more than one student attending the same live e-class the fact remains that each student is isolated from the other, they might even be in totally opposite sides of the world. Students learn better when they are in groups which lead to more exploring & quality learning.

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