Who we are

Suggested text: Our website address is: https://itpstaging.com/traid.


Through your use of the Website, we will collect personal information, which is information that identifies you directly or indirectly as outlined below.

Information Collected From You

We collect personal information directly from you when you use our Website

Contact Us:When you contact us with a question or inquiry through our Contact Us form we collect, from you, your identifiers (name, email address, phone number) and any other information you choose to include in your correspondence. We use this personal information to respond to your questions or inquiries, troubleshoot where necessary, and address any topics you inquire about.

Triad Japan may also use your personal information collected for the above purposes to efficiently maintain our business, to comply with the law, and for other limited circumstances as described in HOW WE SHARE YOUR INFORMATION.

Information Collected Automatically

In addition to the personal information you provide, when you use our Website, we automatically collect information via cookies and similar technologies. This information includes your:

Usage information. This includes information such as: your time of visit to the Website, pages visited, search terms, actions taken, how much time you spend on each page, transactions and payment method and amount, or customer objects throughout the Website and frequency of access. We use this personal information to: (i) conduct analytics; (ii) enhance user experience; (iii) prevent fraudulent use of the Website; and (iv) diagnose and repair errors.

Device information. This includes information about the device you use to access our Website, such as browser type, browser language, hardware model, operating system, and your preferences. We use this personal information to: (i) conduct analytics; (ii) enhance user experience; (iii) prevent fraudulent use of the Website; (iv) diagnose and repair errors; (v) remember your preferences; and (vi) provide enhanced functionality. 

Location information: We use strictly necessary and functional cookies to collect information about your location, which may be determined through your IP address.  We use this personal information to: (i) enhance user experience; (ii) prevent fraudulent use of the Services; (iii) diagnose and repair errors; (iv) remember your preferences; and (v) provide enhanced functionality.

Particular third- party cookies on our Website to note include:

HubSpot. We use HubSpot to analyze the data traffic on our Website and your behavior while using our Website. We use this information to gain valuable insights into user behavior on our Website to improve our Website. For more information on Hubspot, please review its privacy policy. We also use Hubspot to send our emails and to track the behavior of our email recipients. With the help of Hubspot’s conversion tracking, we can analyze whether a predefined action took place by an email recipient, such as opening our email, in order to better adapt and distribute our emails. For more information on Hubspot, please review its privacy policy. You can disable email tracking by disabling the display of images by default in your email program. [Note: Please confirm whether you use HubSpot for email as well]

[Our cookie audit did not identify any cookies on your website. Based on an email from your website developer, Hubspot will be on the website. If you choose to add any other marketing cookies, i.e. Google Analytics, this portion needs to be updated accordingly or you will not be in compliance.]

In general, to disable cookies and limit the collection and use of information through them, you can set your browser to refuse cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. For more information on how to do this please refer to YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION CHOICES section of this policy.


General Sharing

[Will you be sharing information with any additional parties/instances besides those mentioned below? If so, we need to add that into this section.]

Triad Japan may share the personal information identified in this Privacy Policy in the following instances:

Within Triad Japan: Where necessary, Triad Japan will share your personal information within Triad Japan in order to efficiently carry out business and to the extent permitted by law.

With service providers: Triad Japan will share your personal information with service providers that perform services on Triad Japan’s behalf. These service providers include our IT support and security, and email provider. [any other service providers?]

In the event of a corporate reorganization: In the event that Triad Japan enters into, or intends to enter into, a transaction that alters the structure of Triad Japan, such as a reorganization, merger, acquisition, sale, joint venture, assignment, consolidation, transfer, change of control, or other disposition of all or any portion of our assets, Triad Japan would share your personal information with third parties, including the buyer or target (and their agents and advisors) for the purpose of facilitating and completing the transaction.

For legal purposes: Triad Japan will share your personal information where legally required, in response to court orders, law enforcement or legal process, including for national security purposes; to establish, protect, or exercise our legal rights, as required to contracts; to defend against legal claims or demands; to detect, investigate, prevent, or take action against illegal activities, fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the rights, property, or personal safety of any person; or to comply with the requirements of any applicable law.


Cookies. All session cookies are temporary and expire after you close your web browser. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your web browser’s directions. To find out how to see what cookies have been set on your computer or device, and how to reject and delete the cookies, please visit: https://www.aboutcookies.org/. Please note that each web browser is different. For information on reviewing or deleting cookies from specific browsers, click on the appropriate browser: Firefox, Firefox IOS, Firefox Android, Safari, Safari Mobile, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Opera. To find information relating to other browsers, visit the browser developer’s Website. If you reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent, some features of our Website may not function properly. If you choose to opt out, we will place an “opt-out cookie” on your computer. The “opt-out cookie” is browser specific and device specific and only lasts until cookies are cleared from your browser or device. The opt-out cookie will not work for essential cookies. If the cookie is removed or deleted, if you upgrade your browser or if you visit us from a different computer, you will need to return and update your preferences.

Opt Out of Online Advertising. Some of the companies that provide advertising services on our Services may participate in industry-developed programs designed to provide consumers with choices about whether to receive tailored ads that are based on your online activities. To learn more and to opt out of such targeted advertising from participating companies, please visit the websites of the Network Advertising Initiative, the Digital Advertising Alliance. To successfully opt out, you must have cookies enabled in your web browser (see your browser’s instructions for information on cookies and how to enable them). Your opt out only applies to the web browser you use, so you must opt out of each web browser on each device you use. Once you opt out, if you delete your browser’s saved cookies, you will need to opt out again.

Hubspot. [do you plan on using hubspot to track emails you send]


We do not support Do Not Track (DNT). Do Not Track is a preference you can set in your web browser to inform websites that you do not want to be tracked. For further details, click here.


[ If Triad Japan plan on retaining ANY personal information of individuals located in Japan, Triad Japan will be subject to the AAPI and have to comply with its requirements. If you are currently not planning on housing/collecting any personal information, which is defined by the APPI as “information about living individuals that (a) can identify specific individuals or (b) contains an individual identification code.”then you may exempt but you need to have a clear understanding of what you are collecting and from who.]


Triad Japan implements and maintains reasonable security measures to help protect the personal information that Triad Japan collects and maintains.  [anything more specific that you can provide?] However, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent malicious attacks to our systems 100% of the time.


The Website is not intended for individuals under the age of eighteen (18).


Triad Japan may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post the changes to this page and indicate the date the changes go into effect. We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy to stay informed. If Triad Japan make changes that materially affect your privacy rights, we will notify you with a prominent post on the Website and obtain your consent, if required.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at [email address].