IV Packages

Pure Refreshment

The primary essential substance within your body is water. This intravenous (IV) infusion provides the equivalent hydration of consuming 2.5 gallons of water! With 1 liter of fluids and electrolytes, coupled with an additional ingredient of your choice, this infusion serves as an excellent revitalizing option!

Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-6, Amino Acid Blend, Magnesium

Price – $200/45 min

VitaLuxe Myers

This blend of intravenous nutrients, is one of our most popular infusions. It is intending to alleviate various medical conditions. Ailments such as depression, asthma, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, respiratory infections, allergies, and numerous other disorders, are aided by our Myers blend.

Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin C, B-12, Glutathione

Price – $215/45 min

Gut Bug

Nobody likes the stomach bug. This infusion focuses on relief and replenishment of lost nutrients by rehydrating, soothing a stomach ache and providing nutritional essentials lost by vomiting or diarrhea

Pepcid, Zofran, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex

Price – $225/45 min

VitaLuxe Myers Max

If you want a Myers max, you will be receiving all the benefits of the Myers infusion with additional antioxidant-rich elements that will knock out the worst flu or hangover symptoms. It will also increase your overall energy and alertness with double Vitamin C and Glutathione.

Vitamin C (5000mg), Glutathione (1000mg), Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin B-12, Zinc, Magnesium

Price – $245/45 min

Childrens Meyers (2-17)

Even kids need a nutrient filled infusion when necessary. This Myers Cocktail is full of nutrients to relieve several medical conditions including depression, asthma, migraines, fatigue, muscle spasm, respiratory infections, allergies, and many other disorders. Our nurses are experts starting IVs on children.

500ml LR, Magnesium 100mg, Vitamin B-12 5mg, Vitamin B- Complex, Vitamin C-500mg, Zinc 10mg, Glutathione 200mg

Price – $205/45 min


Getting nutrient enriched IV fluid therapy for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can offer several benefits. Firstly, hydration is crucial during menstruation, as the body may lose more fluids than usual, leading to symptoms like bloating and fatigue. IV fluid therapy ensures rapid and efficient rehydration, alleviating these discomforts and promoting overall well-being. Additionally, PMS symptoms such as mood swings, headaches, and cramps can be exacerbated by dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. IV fluids supplemented with electrolytes and anti-inflammatories, can help rebalance these levels, potentially reducing the severity of symptoms and improving mood stability.

Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-Complex, Taurine, Magnesium, Toradol

Price – $205/45 min

Nicotine Withdrawal

Save money on your nicotine and spend it on your recovery. Many strides have been made showing the importance of IV therapy during nicotine withdrawal. With the recent research, we have found that NAD+ therapy holds promise in mitigating nicotine withdrawal symptoms due to its role in cellular metabolism and neurotransmitter regulation. Nicotine dependence disrupts neurotransmitter balance and depletes NAD+ levels, contributing to withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, irritability, and mood swings. NAD+ therapy replenishes cellular NAD+ levels, supporting energy production and neurotransmitter function, which can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms and improve overall well-being. By restoring cellular energy and enhancing neurotransmitter balance, NAD+ therapy may facilitate a smoother transition through nicotine withdrawal, reducing the intensity and duration of cravings and improving the likelihood of successful smoking cessation. In addition, hydration is crucial during this period, as quitting smoking can lead to increased water loss through perspiration and respiration. IV therapy provides rapid rehydration, helping to alleviate symptoms like dry mouth and throat. We can deliver a combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream, replenishing nutrients that may be depleted during nicotine withdrawal. This can help mitigate symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, the addition of amino acids and other nutrients can support neurotransmitter balance and mood stabilization, which can be particularly beneficial during the emotional ups and downs of nicotine withdrawal.

NAD+, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B- Complex, Glutathione

Price – $255/45 min

Pregnancy Sickness

IV therapy can be a valuable option for managing morning sickness during pregnancy for several reasons. Nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness can lead to dehydration, which poses risks to both the mother and the developing baby. IV fluids provide rapid rehydration, helping to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications such as electrolyte imbalances. Additionally, IV therapy can deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system, which may be sensitive and prone to further nausea and vomiting. This ensures that the mother receives vital nutrients such as vitamins and minerals necessary for her well-being and the healthy development of the fetus.

Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin B-Complex, Zofran **NOTE: Must have prescription from OB to receive Anti-Nausea medication when pregnant.

Price – $230/45 min


Lets face it! We all have had times when we consume too much alcohol. When that happens, you may experience a headache, body aches, fatigue, and dehydration. We offer a solution to quickly rehydrate and detoxify your liver and body using antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. This infusion swiftly revitalizes your energy levels and overall vitality with the blend of vitamins, pain relief and anti-nausea medication.

Zofran, Toradol, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-Complex

Price – $240/45 min

Hangover Max

Experiencing the aftermath of a long night out? Familiar with that overwhelming urge to retreat into oblivion? This goes beyond that of our After Party infusion. This is for those that are suffering from severe hangover and accompanied symptoms. Symptoms like a pounding headache, queasiness, dizziness, vomiting, and a liver crying out for detoxification might sound all too familiar. Alcohol consumption can strip away essential vitamins like A, B, and C, leaving you depleted and full of toxins. But fear not, we’re here to replenish what’s been lost. Our infusion boasts Acetylcysteine, a powerful agent that neutralizes these toxins, swiftly alleviating your hang over

Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-Complex, Toradol, Zofran, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Acetylcysteine

Price – $325/45 min

Sun Burn

We adore the sunshine here in Arizona it’s one reason we call this place home. This infusion is designed for those of us who relish outdoor activities but sometimes find ourselves with too much sun exposure. Whether you’re feeling dehydrated, sunburned, overheated, or a combination of these, this drip offers relief, revitalization, and supports the recovery process.

Vitamin D, Magnesium, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C

Price – $200/45 min


Iron infusions are for those who suffer from anemia or are unable to tolerate oral iron supplements. Iron infusions bypass the digestive system, delivering iron directly into the bloodstream, making it an effective option for those with absorption issues or gastrointestinal intolerances. By increasing iron levels in the body, these infusions help alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath, improving overall quality of life and promoting better health.


Price – $300/45 min

Iron Max

Welcome to the Iron replacement infusion on max! Packed with iron, vitamins, minerals with the added benefit of an anti-nausea medication and pain relief to decrease side effects from iron.

Iron, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B-12, Glutathione, Vitamin C, Toradol, Zofran

Price – $350/45 min

NAD+ (250mg, 500mg, 750mg, 1000mg)

NAD+, also recognized as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is essential for facilitating the safe and efficient transfer of energy to tissues from food. This is the latest and greatest infusion additive we have! The body’s NAD supply is finite, and it plays a pivotal role in the chemical processes involved in energy production. Serving as a crucial cofactor, NAD significantly enhances mitochondrial function, acting as the powerhouse of cells where macronutrients from food are converted into energy-rich ATP molecules. NAD aids the liver in breaking down fats essential for energy provision and contributes to ATP synthesis, a primary energy source for cells. Augmenting NAD levels holds promise in managing a broad spectrum of diseases, ranging from diabetes to cancer. IV administration of NAD has demonstrated potential in enhancing mental clarity, alertness, concentration, and memory, while also improving athletic endurance and alleviating symptoms of chronic fatigue. NAD+ infusion promotes overall mental acuity, providing rapid relief and potential cognitive benefits by mitigating cognitive decline, supporting brain health, clearing brain fog, combating fatigue, boosting energy, enhancing metabolism, fostering cell regeneration, retarding aging processes, and reducing internal inflammation.

NAD+ (dose and price varies), Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B12, Glutathione

Price – $250-950 depending on dose/45 min


Another amazing compound is Alpha-lipoic acid, or ALA. It is an antioxidant similar to a vitamin present in various living organisms and foods such as liver, kidney, yeast, spinach, and broccoli, called lipoic acid. ALA has been recognized for its roles as an antioxidant and a regenerator of other cellular antioxidants like vitamin C and glutathione. Recent studies indicate ALA may possess insulin-like attributes, promoting glucose uptake in diverse cells and potentially modulating insulin signaling. Its natural synthesis declines as we get older and with illness. ALA serves as a potent antioxidant, aiding cellular energy metabolism and enhancing the efficacy of essential antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, and glutathione. ALA infusions may alleviate fatigue, numbness, and tingling symptoms associated with conditions like Lyme disease, improve diabetic neuropathy symptoms, slow carpal tunnel syndrome progression, aid nerve regeneration, regulate blood sugar levels, mitigate the effects of Bell’s palsy, and help with nerve healing and deficits. We encourage consistent ALA IV therapy infusions which delivers direct nutrients into the bloodstream for optimal absorption and immediate effectiveness.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 250mg

Price – $365/45 min

Youthful Glow

We all want to look younger and more youthful! If your goal is to revitalize your external appearance, hydrating your body from within proves more impactful than relying solely on creams and topical treatments. By addressing issues like wrinkles, dry skin, blemishes, and age spots internally, you can achieve more significant results. Enhance circulation and fortify the skin’s dermal layers, resulting in a youthful, radiant glow.

NAD+ (50mg), Vitamin B-Complex, Amino Acid Blend, Magnesium, Biotin, Vitamin C, Glutathione

Price – $340/45 min

Immune Support

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a strong immune system is essential for overall health and well-being. However, factors such as stress, poor diet, lack of sleep, and environmental toxins can weaken the immune system, leaving us susceptible to illness and fatigue. This blend offers a quick and efficient way to boost immunity by delivering essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream. This approach ensures maximum absorption and immediate availability of nutrients, providing the body with the support it needs to fend off infections, fight inflammation, and promote overall immune function. Whether you’re facing a particularly demanding period or simply want to stay proactive about your health, immunity-boosting can be a valuable addition to your wellness routine.

Magnesium, Zinc, Glutathione (1000mg), Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C (5000mg), Lysine, Pepcid, Toradol

Price – $285/45 min

Athlete Performance

Are you an active competitor, enthusiastic runner, cyclist, weightlifter or yoga enthusiast? If so, you’ve likely found that traditional sports drinks often fall short. Dehydration poses serious risks, affecting cardiovascular, metabolic, and central nervous system functions. It can lead to muscle cramps, dizziness, headaches, or more severe symptoms, all of which can impair athletic performance, even with mild dehydration. Our infusion offers comprehensive hydration along with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, surpassing standard sports drinks. With our proprietary blend, you can enhance performance, expedite recovery, increase stamina, alleviate muscle soreness, and prepare for your next challenge with confidence.

Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B-12, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Amino Acid Blend, Double dose of Vitamin B-5, Double dose of Vitamin B-6

Price – $235/45 min

Cold/Flu Boost

Suffering from a cold or flu? This infusion offers a significant boost for your immune system. High-dose Vitamin C not only aids in detoxification but also bolsters protection against pathogens by stimulating hydrogen peroxide production. Additionally, zinc, a crucial mineral, is known to decrease the risk, severity, and duration of infectious diseases. If your goal is to get back on your feet rapidly, let us help you quickly bounce back!

Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-Complex, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Lysine, Glutathione

Price – $235/45 min

Hay Fever Relief

Seasonal allergies are the worst! Our special blend can provide valuable relief for individuals suffering from allergies and hay fever. By delivering a blend of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and hydration directly into the bloodstream, this will help alleviate symptoms such as congestion, sneezing, itching, and inflammation associated with allergic reactions. The infusion can also support the immune system, helping the body better defend against allergens and reducing the frequency and severity of allergic reactions.

Glutathione, Benadryl, Toradol, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B-12

Price – $225/45 min

The Works

Undoubtedly our most powerful infusion. Thats why we call it The Works! If you’re seeking to enhance your vitamin intake to bolster your journey toward optimal wellness or require supplementary nutrients to aid in recovery from many various conditions, don’t hesitate to inquire about this package. The Works offers a beneficial therapy, particularly tailored for individuals committed to enhancing their health. The components are all designed to tackle issues like fatigue, dehydration, and nutrient deficiencies, supporting your overall well-being.

Meyers Max Cocktail, NAD+, Amino Acid Blend, L – Carnitine

Price – $420/45 min

Jet Lag Fatigue

Traveling is undoubtedly enjoyable, but it can take a toll on both the body and mind. The rigors of travel often result in fatigue, irritability, dehydration, and a weakened immune system none of which fit into our busy schedules! Our specially formulated drip is packed with immune-boosting vitamins and minerals, along with energy- enhancing nutrients, to swiftly revitalize you and get you back on track.

Vitamin B-12, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin C, Magnesium

Price – $200/45 min

Battle of the Bulge

Boost your weight loss journey to new heights with this potent treatment designed to incinerate fat, increase energy levels, and promote overall well-being. Packed with a high dose of B-complex vitamins, B-12, minerals, and fat-burning amino acids, our specialized formulation is tailored to turbocharge your metabolism. These compounds work to stimulate the breakdown of fat stores, releasing them into your bloodstream to fuel your body with energy. But our IV infusion does more than just burn fat it also helps curb appetite and promote the development of lean muscle mass, providing comprehensive support for your weight loss goals.

Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin B-6, Amino Acid Blend, Vitamin B-12, Taurine, Lipo lean Injection

Price – $260/45 min


IV therapy offers significant benefits for migraine sufferers. By delivering a combination of hydration, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and medications directly into the bloodstream, collectively they can provide rapid relief from migraine symptoms. The infusion helps to rehydrate the body, replenish essential nutrients, and restore electrolyte balance, which are often disrupted during migraine attacks. Additionally, our blend contains medications such as anti-inflammatories and anti-nausea aids directly to the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for faster and more effective relief. This approach not only alleviates migraine pain but also reduces associated symptoms such as nausea and vomiting.

Magnesium, Vitamin B-Complex, Zofran, Toradol, Benadryl

Price – $270/45 min

Fatigue Optimizer

Want to get back on your feet within an hour? We offer a powerful solution for combating fatigue and restoring energy levels effectively. This package delivers you a blend of hydration, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It will rapidly replenishes essential nutrients that may be depleted due to fatigue or other factors. This approach ensures maximum absorption and immediate availability of nutrients. We also include amino acids and coenzymes that support cellular energy production, helping to boost overall vitality and stamina. Whether fatigue is caused by a hectic lifestyle, stress, illness, or other factors, this will provide a quick and efficient way to rejuvenate the body and enhance energy levels, allowing individuals to feel revitalized and ready to tackle their day with renewed energy.

Vitamin B-Complex, Double dose of B-12, Double dose of Taurine, Amino Acid Blend

Price – $225/45 min

Purely Saline

If just needing some extra fluids is your desire, we got you covered.

1L Normal Saline

Price – $120/45 min


  • Toradol
  • Zofran
  • Benadryl
  • Pepcid
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Glutathione
  • Amino Blend
  • Taurine
  • Lysine
  • Many more

Why is hydration crucial for your optimal well-being?

Water is the primary and most vital nutrient of every cell in the body. Acting first as a building material, water is fundamental to cell structure: even our bones consist of more than a third water. Water’s adhesion properties allow it to attach easily to other things, making it the perfect transporter. This allows vital nutrients, minerals, and chemicals to get into cells for biological processes, and pull waste out of cells to the kidneys for elimination.

Enhance Appearance Whether it’s diminishing wrinkles for a youthful look or enhancing metabolism for weight loss goals, let your body rejuvenate from within to attain the appearance you’re striving for. Enhance Well-Being With various IV therapy options, you can bolster your immune system, combat jet lag symptoms, or boost your body’s natural endorphins to alleviate stress and elevate your mood, depending on the chosen blend. Enhance Performance From regulating sleep patterns to facilitating athletic recovery and even aiding in weight loss, IV therapy offers numerous physical benefits to help you perform at your best.

Why is IV Therapy important for you?

IV Therapy hydration services are designed to swiftly rehydrate, rejuvenate, and revitalize you. These IV hydration services offer a multitude of benefits, including enhancing skin health, reducing stress, alleviating morning sickness and migraines, easing gastrointestinal discomfort, and much more. We offer the MOST COMPREHENSIVE IV PACKAGES AROUND. Our range of IV treatments includes everything from purely saline, hangover treatments, migraine relief, energy or immune boosts, ALA and NAD+ treatments to specialty packages to aide with mental, cellular and aging deficiencies. We offer many options to cover your most ailing issues. We use only the best premium-quality and medical-grade ingredients. Additionally, we provide supplementary medications, IM injections, and add-in supplements to choose from. After pushing yourself to the limit day in and day out, sometimes all you need is a reset. Our hydration drips will recharge you, leaving you feeling revitalized and refreshed. Instead of waiting for hours in a hospital or clinic lobby, let our trained practitioners bring the treatment to you, tailored to your environment and needs. We will treat you at your home, work, vacation rental or wherever you need us! At Vitaluxe Medspa and Infusion, we’ve kicked it up a notch from similar companies to meet your wellness needs with our mobile IV treatment services. Why come to us when we can go to you! All you need to do is sit back, relax and let us do the rest.

Why Not Just Take Oral Vitamins and Supplements?

Percentage of Absorption

When you take oral supplements, they pass through your digestive tract, often leading to only a fraction, or in certain instances none at all, of the intended dosage reaching the targeted areas of your body. IV therapy, on the other hand, bypasses the digestive tract entirely, ensuring 100% absorption of the administered dosage.

Time of Absorption

In addition to achieving full absorption of the IV vitamin, you also receive the dosage within a condensed timeframe, maximizing its effectiveness.